二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms: 立春 Spring begins. 雨水 The rains. 惊蛰 Insects awaken. 春分 Vernal Equinox 清明 Clear and bright. 谷雨 Grain Rain. 立夏 Summer begins.小满 Grain Full. 芒种 Grain in Beard. 夏至 Summer Solstice.小暑 Slight Heat. 大暑 Great Heat. 立秋 Autumn begins. 处暑 Limit of Heat. 白露 White Dew. 秋分 Autumnal Equinox. 寒露 Cold Dew. 霜降 Frost\'s Descent. 立冬 Winter begins. 小雪 Slight Snow. 大雪 Great Snow. 冬至 Winter Solstice.小寒 Slight Cold. 大寒 Great Cold.
在英语中,我们可以将二十四节气翻译为The 24 Solar Terms。这些节气代表着不同的季节和气候变化,对中国人民的农业和生活有着重要的影响。
名称 Name 开始日期 Beginning 立春 The Beginning of Spring (1st solar term) Feb.3,4,or 5 雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)
惊蛰 Insects awaken (3rd solar term) 春分 Vernal Equinox 清明 Clear and bright (5th solar term) 谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar term)
立夏 Summer begins (7th solar term) 小满 Grain Full (8th solar term) 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term) 夏至 Summer Solstice (10th solar term)
小暑 Slight Heat (11th solar term) 大暑 Great Heat (12th solar term) 立秋 Autumn begins (13th solar term) 处暑 Limit of Heat (14th solar term)
白露 White Dew (15th solar term) 秋分 Autumnal Equinox (17th solar term) 寒露 Cold Dew (18th solar term) 霜降 Frost\'s Descent (19th solar term)
立冬 Winter begins (21st solar term) 小雪 Slight Snow (22nd solar term) 大雪 Great Snow (23rd solar term) 冬至 Winter Solstice (24th solar term)
小寒 Slight Cold (25th solar term) 大寒 Great Cold (26th solar term).
Spring Festival(春节)是中国农历新年的庆祝活动,一般指除夕和正月初一。农历新年通常在冬季结束,春季开始之际举行,所以Spring Festival属于冬季。在这个有着悠久历史和丰富传统的节日中,人们会进行拜年、贴春联、放鞭炮、舞狮等庆祝活动,以表达新年的祝福和美好祈愿。
The 24 solar terms(二十四节气)是中国传统历法中表示自然节律变化以及确立“十二月建”的特定节令。它们分布在每年的四个季节中,每个季节有6个节气。这些节气的英语简短介绍如下:
Spring begins(立春)- Marks the beginning of spring. The weather starts to get warmer.
The rains(雨水)- The rainfalls increase, signaling the arrival of more precipitation.
Insects awaken(惊蛰)- Insects come out of hibernation and start to become active again.
Vernal Equinox(春分)- The day and night are of equal length, marking the mid-point of spring.
Clear and bright(清明)- The weather clears up, and it\'s a good time for tomb-sweeping and outdoor activities.
Grain Rain(谷雨)- Marks the time when rainwater is beneficial for the growth of grains and crops.
Summer begins(立夏)- Marks the beginning of summer. The weather becomes noticeably hotter.
Grain Full(小满)- Indicates that the grains are maturing and becoming full.
Grain in Beard(芒种)- Refers to the time when the grains are ripe, and the beards start to appear.
Summer Solstice(夏至)- The day with the longest daylight of the year, marking the middle of summer.
Slight Heat(小暑)- The weather becomes hotter and the heat gradually intensifies.
Great Heat(大暑)- Represents the hottest time of the year.
Autumn begins(立秋)- Marks the beginning of autumn. The weather starts to cool down.
Limit of Heat(处暑)- The intense heat of summer gradually subsides, and the temperature begins to drop.
White Dew(白露)- Dew appears on the grass and plants, indicating that autumn is here.
Autumnal Equinox(秋分)- The day and night are of equal length, marking the mid-point of autumn.
Cold Dew(寒露)- Indicates that the weather is significantly colder, and dew becomes frost.
Frost\'s Descent(霜降)- Marks the time when frost starts to appear, indicating the arrival of colder weather.
Winter begins(立冬)- Marks the beginning of winter. The weather becomes much colder.
Slight Snow(小雪)- Intermittent snowfall begins, but the snow is usually light.
Great Snow(大雪)- Heavy snowfall occurs during this time of the year.
Winter Solstice(冬至)- The day with the shortest daylight of the year, marking the middle of winter.
Slight Cold(小寒)- The coldness becomes more intense, but it\'s still not the coldest time of the year.
Great Cold(大寒)- Represents the coldest time of the year.
Qingming is one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese traditional tomb-sweeping day, Qingming Festival, began about the Zhou Dynasty. It is a time when people honor and pay respects to their ancestors by visiting their graves, cleaning the tombstones, and making offerings of food and other items. Qingming Festival usually falls around early April in the Gregorian calendar, which corresponds to the time when spring is in full bloom and nature is rejuvenated.
二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms 立春 Spring begins. 雨水 The rains. 惊蛰 Insects awaken. 春分 Vernal Equinox 清明 Clear and bright. 谷雨 Grain Rain. 立夏 Summer begins.小满 Grain Full. 芒种 Grain in Beard. 夏至 Summer Solstice 小暑 Slight Heat. 大暑 Great Heat. 立秋 Autumn begins. 处暑 Limit of Heat. 白露 White Dew. 秋分 Autumnal Equinox. 寒露 Cold Dew. 霜降 Frost\'s Descent. 立冬 Winter begins. 小雪 Slight Snow. 大雪 Great Snow. 冬至 Winter Solstice.小寒 Slight Cold. 大寒 Great Cold.
April Fool\'s Day在哪个季节?季节是英语
April Fool\'s Day(愚人节)是每年的四月一日,根据中国的季节来说是春天(spring),而在澳大利亚则相反,对他们来说,愚人节在秋天(autumn)。愚人节是一个国际上庆祝恶作剧和开玩笑的节日,人们会相互开玩笑并且传统上会发行各种恶搞新闻和假新闻。
下面的节日分别在哪一个季节?spring festivalthee-pianting...
Spring Festival(春节)在春季(spring);Thee-pianting Day(植树节)在春季(spring);Labour Day(劳动节)在夏季(summer);New Year\'s Day(新年-元旦)在春季(spring);Children\'s Day(儿童节)在夏季(summer);May Day(五一劳动节)在春季(spring);Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)在夏季(summer);Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节)在秋季(autumn);National Day(国庆节)在秋季(autumn)。
春节 (农历正月初一) The Spring Festival (the first day of the lunar year)
元宵节 (农历正月十五) The Lantern Festival
清明节 (公历4月4号或5号) The Qingming Festival
端午节 (农历五月初五) The Dragon Boat Festival
中秋节 (农历八月十五) The Mid-Autumn Festival
国庆节 (公历10月1号) The National Day